Friday, March 30, 2007

Of Bellydance and Blankets

I made a rare trip to the big bookstore on the west side of town. After finding the Dora potty book, I looked for the Bellylicious 2 CD. Volume 1 was recommended by my teacher, so I bought that one, but Bellylicious 2 seems to be nowhere. I finally ordered it from a third-party vendor on the website, but geeez!

Bellylicious is good, if a bit techno and synthesized for me. None of the songs hits me for a sword dance (not yet choreographed), but I'll probably use a couple in the soon-to-be-updated restaurant show.

I just love this blanket (woven). It was a souvenir gift from my sister's semester in Mexico. Check out the great colors.

And, finally, here's dd trying to evade the parent-paparazzi. Ever since I read the awesome post on "Playing with Color" by Ruth, I've been playing with my new free photo editor.

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